Interesting post from Alec Saunders.. Is this a new trend?

A twit no more. Disconnected from the hive:

Yesterday, drowning in a sea of updates, I disconnected from the Twitter hive.  Its constant stream of free-form presence updates has undeniable appeal, but the sheer volume of information, coupled with the lack of mediation tools, has made it unmanageable for me.   

I briefly flirted with Jaiku.  In addition to the updates, it also aggregates feeds for a user, letting you collect RSS feeds, presence information, and status updates all in one place.  So few people I know use Jaiku, however, that that flirtation was short lived.

So I’ve turned to facebook.  Facebook has the appeal of Jaiku’s feed aggregation, coupled with Twitter’s short form status updates.  It also provides deeper tools than Twitter or Jaiku for managing which updates end up being delivered to your mobile, and which not, which solves the “sea of updates” problem for me.  Facebook gives you very fine control over which updates and from which users are delivered as text messages, versus accessible only online. 

Alec Saunders' Facebook profile

Best of all? Apparently my whole network already knew about facebook.  When I loaded my contact database into it to see who I knew on facebook, I had an instant friends network of nearly 200 people. 

Whatever the category represented by Twitter and Jaiku, facebook seems to have already conquered it.